Being Me

Here I surrender to my unconditional thoughts!

Why is it so hard to live a simple peaceful life? Why is it difficult ‘Just being me’? Love yourself and be positive always remains the current motto of living a better life. What is to collect oneself? Does it catch you off guard? Does it make you quiver to be asked to find yourself?

Born with a tranquil heart and clueless mind is the height of blissfulness. Finding one’s strengths and weakness gently pushes you to a numbness, vigorously straying your thoughts and actions. The helplessness and pathos engulfing the placid mind, to resort on a conclusion, is always indecisive. Cheers to all great souls who have successfully calmed and conquered their minds through ardent meditation, though meditation is not my cup of tea.

Our personality and aura develop through our exposure to circumstances and chances; cannot blame our genes alone. Worrying about the inhumane and unethical world and how we have to be at other’s mercy to nurture our self into a buoyant personality should be insubstantial. Live a happy and content life true to yourself, which leaves you with no regret bidding farewell to this perishable world.  


  1. Not easy just being me!!! These words made me think about me being myself...when .. where.. why not.. thank you dear!!!

  2. This is so deep and meaningful! Loved this aunty! ❤❤

  3. Good read and thought provoking and very helpful in these hard times and also due to my anxiety❤️


  4. Wonderful.....Makes a lot of sense in these troubled times....

  5. Beautifully penned Anju chechi..πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ˜Š


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