My World, My Universe, My Family

My world, my universe, my family!

Can I not say it without frailty

The key is nothing but unity

That winds our beings with immunity

And unites us to eternity

My world, my universe, my family!

Is where my mind finds its peace

And keeps my body at ease

Only to chase and release

The bliss and mirth never to cease

My world, my universe, my family!

With my only one and young ones

Zeal and confidence filled in tons    

Together we strike and shuns 

The setbacks and adversities as mere puns

My world, my universe, my family!

No other place is a concession

And a release from repression

The mighty euphoria in discretion

Is My Family My Heaven in progression!


  1. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 This is the best! Love you Amma 😘❤

  2. Such a lovely poem! 🥺❤️

  3. Very nice. Keep writing and also keep sharing


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